Hey everyone,
After a long and eventful day, Grandma officially went back for surgery at 4:40 PM. The doctors told us the procedure would take about two hours, with at least 40 minutes in recovery.
A Day of Changes and Waiting
This morning started off with some confusion. When I called her nurse, I was told her surgery had been moved from 10 AM to 1 PM. But while I was on my way to the hospital, my Aunt Desiree called to say they had actually taken Grandma downstairs at 8:30 AM! Desiree wasn’t at the hospital at the time, but thankfully, Deborah Reneau was visiting Grandma when they took her back. I’m so grateful Deborah was there with her in that moment.
When I arrived, I was able to go down to the surgery center to be with her, and Desiree and Vonnie joined me shortly after. Grandma was originally supposed to have surgery at 10 AM, but her blood pressure was extremely high. They gave her a double dose of blood pressure meds, but instead of going down, it seemed to climb even higher. She was also in a lot of pain, and I’m sure the anxiety about surgery wasn’t helping either.
Her leg was swollen to nearly double its normal size today, which made things even more uncomfortable for her. While we waited for pain medication, we turned to something that always brings her peace—gospel music. We played her favorite songs, and Grandma told me what to play while she sang along. It was such a sweet, precious moment. Jesus was absolutely in the room with us—and guess what? Her blood pressure started coming down. Praise Jesus! 🙌
What’s Next?
It looks like today will be a long one at the hospital, but I’ll keep everyone updated as we get more news. The most important thing is that Grandma was in good spirits when she went back for surgery.
Thank you all for your prayers, love, and support. I know she feels them, and so do we. I’ll update as soon as we hear anything! ❤️🙏
I would love to hear your cherished memories of Lois! Whether it’s a heartfelt story, a fun moment, or a favorite photo, please feel free to share.
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